Qualifying and unqualifying leads are important for several reasons:
- It helps you keep track of all your progress
- Efficiency increases as it saves time
- Gain useful insights from every follow-up
When to consider qualifying a lead:
- When you can tell that the contact information might be a real person and not junk data
Good lead: John Doe, +60123334456, johndoe@gmail.com
Junk lead: Testing!£##, 123456789, !!!@mail.com (You should delete junk leads) - When you can actually call or email them
- If the lead demographics match your buyer criteria
18-65 yrs of age
Specific nationality
Specific income range
You can qualify leads by clicking on the dropdown of the last stage at the lead progress bar.
- Click on any lead
- Click Qualified/Unqualified at the right-end of the lead stages progress bar
- Click Qualified
Click here for an example of when to qualify a lead - Select New customer or Existing customer (learn more about merging lead to existing customer)
- Select the Consideration stage the customer is in
- If the customer is interested in a project, click Interested in a project and select a project or unit
- If the customer is not interested, click Lost opportunity and select a lost reason
- Click Confirm
Your lead would then be successfully qualified a customer. Within the customer profile, there will be an opportunity containing the project name you had just selected. Follow up on the opportunity to ensure a sale.
To unqualify a lead:
- Click on any lead
- Click Qualified/Unqualified at the right-end of the lead stages progress bar
- Click Unqualified
- Select an Unqualified reason
- Click Confirm
Definition of unqualified reasons:
Invalid number |
Invalid number when attempted to call |
Unreachable |
Multiple contact attempts but still could not reach the lead |
Wrong number |
Call connected but mobile number belongs to someone unrelated |
No longer interested |
Call connected but lead insisted to opt-out from any communications |
You may also reopen an unqualified lead by changing the lead stage again, representing that you want to sell to this lead again although you may have previously unqualified this lead.
When to consider reopening a lead:
- If you have accidentally unqualified them
- If you have corrected the contact information to valid information
- If your buyer criteria has changed