On SRB, agents will be able to upload a picture of your purchaser’s IC into Showroom. Checking your purchaser IC to ensure their validity can be an important step when approving your purchaser’s booking.
- From the bookings page, click on the booking that’s tied to the purchaser who’s IC you’d like to check.
- Click on the purchaser button to view all information related to the purchaser of that booking.
- Once inside, click on the Edit button located in the top right corner of the page.
- Inside the purchaser’s edit page, scroll all the way down to view the purchaser’s IC.
- If your purchaser’s IC has not been uploaded, you will be presented with empty fields.
- Clicking on the empty field will allow you to upload an image file of your purchaser’s IC on your device if you have them.
- Don’t forget to click Save before leaving the menu!