There are 4 ways to add customers.
- By qualifying a lead
- Single add
- Submission from Customer form
- Import bulk
By qualifying a lead
Read more about qualifying a lead here.
- Click on any lead (if you don't have any leads, add a lead)
- At the lead stage progress bar, click on the last stage - Qualified
- Read the notice and click Confirm
Single add
- Click the Customers icon on the side menu bar
- Click on the New Customer button on the top right-hand corner
- Key in all the necessary information and click Create
Deleting a customer is not possible at the moment.
Note: If you don't find the suitable fields you are looking to fill up, customise them on the All Fields Settings page.
Submission from Customer form
- Follow the steps here to create an MHub form
- Choose Customer form as the form template
- Key in all the necessary information, preview the form and click Save
Submissions from a Customer form will be validated before adding a new customer. When the following fields are added to the Customer form, make sure:
- Email address: valid and in the correct email format
- Mobile: correct length and format (numbers only)
- MyKad (NRIC): correct length and format (numbers only)
If the submission has the same mobile as an existing customer, an Opportunity will be created on the existing customer profile.
Import bulk
- Click the Customers icon on the side menu bar
- Click on the ▼ arrow next to the New customer button on the top right-hand corner, click Import customers
- Download the Sample CSV
- Copy and paste to CSV or fill up CSV
- Make sure all required fields are filled up
- Make sure the value of the fields are in the correct format (eg. number fields contain numbers)
- Rename and save the CSV file
- Click Attach File
- Select the desired file
- Click Import
Edit a customer by clicking on the Edit button at the customer information section or use our quick edit by clicking on the exact fields.
When importing, the system only accepts the following fields. Please make sure the input is valid
# | MHub CRM field | Header of your CSV column | Format or value accepted |
1 | Title | title | Any |
2 | Full name | name | Any |
3 | Preferred name | preferred_name | Any |
4 | Mobile | mobile_country_code |
Fill in the country code |
5 | Mobile |
mobile |
Numbers only without prefix |
6 |
Email format only |
7 | Date of birth |
date_of_birth |
8 | MyKad (NRIC) |
nric |
Numbers only |
9 | Passport number |
passport |
Alphanumeric |
10 | Nationality |
nationality_country_code |
Fill in the country code |
11 | Gender |
gender |
male, female, n/a |
12 | Race |
race |
malay, chinese, indian, kadazan_dusun, bajau, murut, iban, bidayuh, melanau, orang_ulu, others, n/a |
13 | Marital status |
marital_status |
single, married, divorced, widowed, separated, n/a |
14 | Bumiputera status |
bumi |
yes, no, n/a |
15 | Address 1 |
address_1 |
Any |
16 | Address 2 |
address_2 |
Any |
17 | Country |
country_code |
Fill in the country code |
18 | State |
state |
Any |
19 | City |
city |
Any |
20 | Postcode |
postcode |
Numbers only |
21 | Buyer type |
buyer_type |
first_time_buyer, repeat_buyer, future_buyer |
22 | Company address |
company_address |
Any |
23 | Company name |
company_name |
Any |
24 | Company contact number |
company_phone |
Any |
25 | Monthly income |
monthly_income |
Numbers only |
26 | Occupation |
occupation |
Any |
27 | Emergency name |
emergency_contact_name |
Any |
28 | Emergency mobile |
emergency_contact_mobile |
Numbers only |
29 | Emergency email |
emergency_contact_email |
Email format only |
30 | Emergency MyKad (NRIC) |
emergency_contact_nric |
Numbers only |
31 | Emergency relation |
emergency_contact_relation |
Any |
32 | Project name |
opportunity_project_id_1 |
Copy and paste the alphanumeric project ID located at the back of the URL in the project page at the Showroom app. Value is required if the CSV file contains this column. |
33 | Unit id |
opportunity_unit_id_1 |
Copy and paste the alphanumeric unit ID located at the back of the URL in the unit info page at the Showroom app. Eg: |
34 | Opportunity stage |
opportunity_stage_1 |
new, follow_up Value is required if the CSV file contains this column. |
35 | Assignee |
opportunity_assigned_to_1 |
Use the user email |
36 | Campaign name |
opportunity_campaign_id_1 |
Copy and paste the alphanumeric campaign ID located at the back of the URL in the campaign page. |
37 | Source |
opportunity_source_1 |
billboard_poster, event, facebook, listing_portals, instagram, iproperty, referral, walk_in, website |
38 |
Opportunity |
For items 32-37, more than one set can be accepted |
Header of CSV needs to have incremental numbers. Eg:
opportunity_project_id_2 |
39 | Custom fields |
Any custom fields |
Make sure they are named exactly the same. Replace the spaces with "_" Eg. Custom_field, favourite_food, Preferred_view, etc |
40 |
SRB buyer access |
buyer_access_project_id_1 |
Valid alphanumeric project ID |
41 |
SRB buyer access |
buyer_access_project_units_1 |
Valid alphanumeric unit ID. More than one can be separated by a comma |
42 |
SRB buyer access |
buyer_access_start_date_1 |
43 |
SRB buyer access |
buyer_access_end_date_1 |
44 |
SRB buyer access |
buyer_access_is_all_day_1 |
true or false |
45 |
SRB buyer access |
buyer_access_is_all_units_1 |
true or false |
46 |
SRB buyer access |
buyer_access_is_allow_unit_selection_1 |
true or false |
47 |
SRB buyer access |
buyer_access_booking_limit_1 |
Numbers only |
48 |
SRB buyer access |
For items 40-47, more than one set can be accepted |
Header of CSV needs to have incremental numbers. Eg:
buyer_access_project_id_2 |
List of supported country codes
Afghanistan | AF |
ÅlandIslands | AX |
Albania | AL |
Algeria | DZ |
AmericanSamoa | AS |
Andorra | AD |
Angola | AO |
Anguilla | AI |
Antarctica | AQ |
AntiguaandBarbuda | AG |
Argentina | AR |
Armenia | AM |
Aruba | AW |
Australia | AU |
Austria | AT |
Azerbaijan | AZ |
Bahamas | BS |
Bahrain | BH |
Bangladesh | BD |
Barbados | BB |
Belarus | BY |
Belgium | BE |
Belize | BZ |
Benin | BJ |
Bermuda | BM |
Bhutan | BT |
Bolivia | BO |
Bonaire,SintEustatiusandSaba | BQ |
BosniaandHerzegovina | BA |
Botswana | BW |
BouvetIsland | BV |
Brazil | BR |
BritishIndianOceanTerritory | IO |
BruneiDarussalam | BN |
Bulgaria | BG |
BurkinaFaso | BF |
Burundi | BI |
Cambodia | KH |
Cameroon | CM |
Canada | CA |
CapeVerde | CV |
CaymanIslands | KY |
CentralAfricanRepublic | CF |
Chad | TD |
Chile | CL |
China | CN |
ChristmasIsland | CX |
Cocos(Keeling)Islands | CC |
Colombia | CO |
Comoros | KM |
Congo | CG |
Congo,theDemocraticRepublicofthe | CD |
CookIslands | CK |
CostaRica | CR |
Côted'Ivoire | CI |
Croatia | HR |
Cuba | CU |
Curaçao | CW |
Cyprus | CY |
CzechRepublic | CZ |
Denmark | DK |
Djibouti | DJ |
Dominica | DM |
DominicanRepublic | DO |
Ecuador | EC |
Egypt | EG |
ElSalvador | SV |
EquatorialGuinea | GQ |
Eritrea | ER |
Estonia | EE |
Ethiopia | ET |
FalklandIslands(Malvinas) | FK |
FaroeIslands | FO |
Fiji | FJ |
Finland | FI |
France | FR |
FrenchGuiana | GF |
FrenchPolynesia | PF |
FrenchSouthernTerritories | TF |
Gabon | GA |
Gambia | GM |
Georgia | GE |
Germany | DE |
Ghana | GH |
Gibraltar | GI |
Greece | GR |
Greenland | GL |
Grenada | GD |
Guadeloupe | GP |
Guam | GU |
Guatemala | GT |
Guernsey | GG |
Guinea | GN |
Guinea-Bissau | GW |
Guyana | GY |
Haiti | HT |
HeardIslandandMcDonaldIslands | HM |
HolySee(VaticanCityState) | VA |
Honduras | HN |
HongKong | HK |
Hungary | HU |
Iceland | IS |
India | IN |
Indonesia | ID |
Iran | IR |
Iraq | IQ |
Ireland | IE |
IsleofMan | IM |
Israel | IL |
Italy | IT |
Jamaica | JM |
Japan | JP |
Jersey | JE |
Jordan | JO |
Kazakhstan | KZ |
Kenya | KE |
Kiribati | KI |
Korea,DemocraticPeople'sRepublicof | KP |
RepublicofKorea | KR |
Kuwait | KW |
Kyrgyzstan | KG |
LaoPeople'sDemocraticRepublic | LA |
Latvia | LV |
Lebanon | LB |
Lesotho | LS |
Liberia | LR |
Libya | LY |
Liechtenstein | LI |
Lithuania | LT |
Luxembourg | LU |
Macao | MO |
Macedonia | MK |
Madagascar | MG |
Malawi | MW |
Malaysia | MY |
Maldives | MV |
Mali | ML |
Malta | MT |
MarshallIslands | MH |
Martinique | MQ |
Mauritania | MR |
Mauritius | MU |
Mayotte | YT |
Mexico | MX |
Micronesia | FM |
Moldova | MD |
Monaco | MC |
Mongolia | MN |
Montenegro | ME |
Montserrat | MS |
Morocco | MA |
Mozambique | MZ |
Myanmar | MM |
Namibia | NA |
Nauru | NR |
Nepal | NP |
Netherlands | NL |
NewCaledonia | NC |
NewZealand | NZ |
Nicaragua | NI |
Niger | NE |
Nigeria | NG |
Niue | NU |
NorfolkIsland | NF |
NorthernMarianaIslands | MP |
Norway | NO |
Oman | OM |
Pakistan | PK |
Palau | PW |
Palestine | PS |
Panama | PA |
PapuaNewGuinea | PG |
Paraguay | PY |
Peru | PE |
Philippines | PH |
Pitcairn | PN |
Poland | PL |
Portugal | PT |
PuertoRico | PR |
Qatar | QA |
Réunion | RE |
Romania | RO |
RussianFederation | RU |
Rwanda | RW |
SaintBarthélemy | BL |
SaintHelena,AscensionandTristandaCunha | SH |
SaintKittsandNevis | KN |
SaintLucia | LC |
SaintMartin(Frenchpart) | MF |
SaintPierreandMiquelon | PM |
SaintVincentandtheGrenadines | VC |
Samoa | WS |
SanMarino | SM |
SaoTomeandPrincipe | ST |
SaudiArabia | SA |
Senegal | SN |
Serbia | RS |
Seychelles | SC |
SierraLeone | SL |
Singapore | SG |
SintMaarten(Dutchpart) | SX |
Slovakia | SK |
Slovenia | SI |
SolomonIslands | SB |
Somalia | SO |
SouthAfrica | ZA |
SouthGeorgiaandtheSouthSandwichIslands | GS |
SouthSudan | SS |
Spain | ES |
SriLanka | LK |
Sudan | SD |
Suriname | SR |
SvalbardandJanMayen | SJ |
Swaziland | SZ |
Sweden | SE |
Switzerland | CH |
SyrianArabRepublic | SY |
Taiwan,ProvinceofChina | TW |
Tajikistan | TJ |
Tanzania | TZ |
Thailand | TH |
Timor-Leste | TL |
Togo | TG |
Tokelau | TK |
Tonga | TO |
TrinidadandTobago | TT |
Tunisia | TN |
Turkey | TR |
Turkmenistan | TM |
TurksandCaicosIslands | TC |
Tuvalu | TV |
Uganda | UG |
Ukraine | UA |
UnitedArabEmirates | AE |
UnitedKingdom | GB |
UnitedStates | US |
UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands | UM |
Uruguay | UY |
Uzbekistan | UZ |
Vanuatu | VU |
Venezuela | VE |
Vietnam | VN |
VirginIslands,British | VG |
VirginIslands,U.S. | VI |
WallisandFutuna | WF |
WesternSahara | EH |
Yemen | YE |
Zambia | ZM |
Zimbabwe | ZW |