Home > Settings > Company Documents
To enable the SPA/LA tracker, you will first have to set up the relevant documentation inside of Showroom's settings.
- Click Settings at the Showroom homepage
- Click Company Documents
- In this next page, you will have to upload all of the relevant documentation. This can be done by clicking on Upload and selecting the relevant file on your computer
- After you've uploaded the files you could always edit () it or delete () it to upload a new file
Home > Bookings > (Unit Number)
After you're done with the above step, you can now assign lawyers to your purchaser's bookings.
- Click Bookings at the Showroom homepage
- Lawyers can only be assigned to bookings that has been labelled as Sold. Click on the red Sold filter under the ageing tabs
- Click on the unit number you'd like to assign a lawyer to
- Scroll down to the Lawyer section
- Click Assign Lawyer either under SPA Tracker or LA Tracker
- In the new popup box, choose the desired panel lawyer by click on the checkbox next to their name
- Click Confirm to finalize your selection