Bookings > (Unit #) > Booking Overview
Booking Fee Amount = Total booking fee required
Notes = Any reference notes for the developer
Payment Method = How the payment has been made
Bank Transfer = The payment was made via bank transfer
Cheque = The payment was made via cheque
Cash = The payment was made by cash
Credit Card = The payment was made via credit card
Online Payment = The payment was made via online payment
Others = The payment was made via other methods besides the ones mentioned above
Amount = Total amount paid by purchaser
Reference = Any reference to developer regarding the payment (e.g: Payment slip, proof of payment, receipt, cheque no.,or receipt no. etc)
Attachment = Used to upload the proof of payment
Note: Bank transfer, Online payment, Credit Card cannot be performed via MHub Showroom. The payment section in MHub is used for recording purposes only. You must still use any of your existing payment system/gateway to complete your transaction.
- Click Bookings at the Showroom homepage
- Click on the specific unit number you would like to register a made payment with
- Scroll down to the payment section
- Fill in the total fee amount for the booking in Booking Fee Amount
- Add any message in Notes for the developer if any
- Click Save to register the booking fee amount
- To add a payment made for the booking, click New Payment
- Select the payment method that was used under Payment method
- Input how much was paid under Amount
- Upload the proof of payment by uploading the file by clicking on Attachment
- After inputting any other necessary information, click on Save to register the details
Below are a few examples of the different payment methods you can save in:
a) Payment made by Cheque:
Note: Transferred to column is not compulsory.
b) Payment made via Bank Transfer:
Transferred to and Transferred from column is not compulsory.
c) Payment via Credit Card
d) Payment made via online payment
Other than that, you can also print a receipt of the payment or cancel a payment made if a mistake has occurred.
- Click on
under the desired payment detail
- To cancel the payment, click Cancel Transaction
- To re-attach the proof of payment, click Add Attachment
- To print a receipt of the payment, click Payment Receipt (This option is only available if the developer has previously enabled the option)
Note: Some developer restricted the agent from cancelling the transaction. Kindly contact your developer for further action.